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Amazing German Street Food

This video is part of our German roadshow discovering & comparing cities for the best food/beverage experiences. So stay tuned, subscribe & click that bell icon so you don’t miss any new uploads – FOMO is a very real thing!

The Best Ramen In Frankfurt

I came in search of the best street food in Frankfurt but please let me be clear from the offset, this literal hidden gem of a place could have served me the best Japanese food I’ve ever had. I can’t wait for you to see the reasons why, so watch till the end to experience why I think you will agree with me.

The Best Street Food In Cologne

German street food tour – cologne In this video you will find, I try the best international street food in Cologne & Germany has to offer. We tied some Canadian, Hawaiian and Greek Street food and share what we thought was great and maybe better to miss. Enjoy!

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Welcome to our new website!
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Our Story

Hungrybellys is a unique content creating platform executed with hospitality insights, a love for food, beverage & new experiences. We make sure to have fun along our journey and be authentic in whatever we do, while providing high value and rich entertainment to all viewers, with ‘take aways’ for everyone. Anyone with love for new experiences, beverages, foods & has a hungry belly, this is for you! 

What we strive to offer is not the usual set piece food review, or standard blog channels which are covered from a generalist perspective. We deliver a deeper, more professional, yet entertaining viewpoint with long experienced / educated industry insight. All of which with incredible levels of passion, care, honesty & true love of what we do in the industry we adore being a part of.

Hungrybellys Breakfast

Our Story

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We appreciate the support of our Hungry Bellys, you can become a patron from £2 a month. Become a Patron on Patreon!

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Life and Travel

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis augue nibh, dapibus id velit sed, euismod blandit nisi. Aenean elementum felis rutrum, blandit nulla eget, feugiat orci. Aliquam et mauris id turpis finibus cursus. Vestibulum facilisis nisl vitae dolor posuere convallis. Duis ornare lorem nisi, in sagittis dui tempus venenatis. In felis nulla, mollis ac molestie pellentesque, ultricies ac eros. Aliquam ultrices tellus vel mauris auctor, vitae convallis ligula cursus. Nunc eget nunc vitae nulla pulvinar fringilla. Phasellus vitae varius tellus. In dictum dictum hendrerit. Duis ut neque aliquam, semper lacus quis, malesuada eros. Curabitur et nisi non sapien mattis convallis. Etiam cursus orci vel elementum varius.

Life and Travel

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis augue nibh, dapibus id velit sed, euismod blandit nisi. Aenean elementum felis rutrum, blandit nulla eget, feugiat orci. Aliquam et mauris id turpis finibus cursus. Vestibulum facilisis nisl vitae dolor posuere convallis. Duis ornare lorem nisi, in sagittis dui tempus venenatis. In felis nulla, mollis ac molestie pellentesque, ultricies ac eros. Aliquam ultrices tellus vel mauris auctor, vitae convallis ligula cursus. Nunc eget nunc vitae nulla pulvinar fringilla. Phasellus vitae varius tellus. In dictum dictum hendrerit. Duis ut neque aliquam, semper lacus quis, malesuada eros. Curabitur et nisi non sapien mattis convallis. Etiam cursus orci vel elementum varius.